Friday, February 12, 2010

An Alternative to Coffee

Some of the best grocery store flirting goes on at Whole Foods. "I know the best brand of frozen chicken stock / glace," the shelf stocker said to me. "Do you want me to show it to you?" he says with a little pat on the shoulder. Did I ever!
So, I am cutting waaaaay back on drinking coffee. I've gone one week, allowing myself coffee only on twice a week. I shouldn't say any of this in advance until I've really accomplished more than a week, but I bring it up for the following health reason. Coffee can exacerbate IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) and it sucks the magnesium from your body. I feel this affect after a workout. I'm trying to cut the coffee to see if it helps with this. Everyone is different in regards to their sensitivity -- I never drank more than about 1 or 2 cups of coffee a day. But I'm sensitive enough that stopping it may help me. A lot.
Also, coffee stimulates cortisol production, and most of us get enough of that from stress, anyway. If you live and breathe and work and or commute, have kids, drive in traffic, etc. you probably have enough stress.
As a substitute (because it's easier to change a behavior with something to replace it) I'm trying Celestial Seasonings Roastaroma tea, recommended to me by the good flirters at Whole Foods. it's main ingredients are Roasted Barley, Roasted Chicory, and Roasted Carob. I like the way it tastes, especially with a little milk and honey. Which leads me to the 4th reason I'm trying it. I've been reading about alkaline diets. They are good for you. We tend to eat many foods that result in an acidic environment in the body (milk, meats, sweets, alcohols, salt) which can lead to disease. We need to alkalize the body by eating lots of fresh vegetables, leafy greens, and also the ingredients in this tea will help: chicory and barley. Gluten-freers beware! Barley is not gluten-free. 

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